Child Abuse Prevention
Short Years and the WARREN COUNTY CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION COUNCIL work collaboratively to provide PROGRAMS & promote the PROTECTIVE FACTORS.
Interested in helping PREVENT CHILD ABUSE?
Short Years provides the following child abuse prevention programs to Warren County families, service providers, & community partners: Dads With a Purpose, 24/7 Dad, Stewards of Children, Connections Matters, and Learn & PlayGroup.

Dads With a Purpose
Dads With a Purpose is a voluntary 8-week parenting course where dads can learn to be the parents they want to be AND earn state-owned child support forgiveness upon completion. The initiative is an opportunity for Warren County Dads to hone parenting skills through a nationally recognized curriculum developed by the National Partnership for Community Leadership on Fatherhood Development.
24/7 Dad
24/7 Dad is a voluntary, comprehensive fatherhood program designed to help men improve their parenting skills and fathering knowledge. The program focuses on building self-awareness, self-caring, and parenting, fathering, and relationship skills through 12 weekly, two-hour group or individual sessions.

Stewards of Children
Stewards of Children is a nationally recognized child sexual abuse prevention training created by Darkness to Light. This two-hour training will educators, service providers, and community members to recognize the signs of sexual abuse and how to intervene and react responsibly.
Connections Matter
Connections Matter is an initiative designed to engage community members in building caring connections to improve well-being. Research shows that communities connected through caring relationships have better physical and mental health, increased workplace productivity and school success, and less crime and homelessness. The Connections Matter initiative is led by Prevent Child Abuse Iowa in collaboration with partners statewide.
Learn & PlayGroup
Learn & PlayGroup™ is a parent/child playgroup designed for parents and their children ages birth through five. Through stories and developmentally appropriate, play-based activities, both children and parents learn they play. The specially designed Learn & PlayGroup™ curriculum is facilitated by experienced educators and includes lesson plans focused on social-emotional

All of Short Years’ Child Abuse Prevention programs include the five critical factors proven to protect children from the risk of child abuse and neglect.
The five protective factors are:
Nurturing and attachment: A child’s early experience of being nurtured and developing a bond with caring adults affects all aspects of behavior and development. When parents and children have strong, warm feelings for one another, children develop trust that their parents will provide what they need to thrive, including love, acceptance, positive guidance, and protection.
Knowledge of parenting and of child and youth development: Discipline is both more effective and more nurturing when parents know how to set and enforce limits and encourage appropriate behaviors based on the child’s age and level of development. Parents who understand how children grow and develop can provide an environment where children can live up to their potential.
Parental resilience: Resilience is the ability to handle everyday stressors and recover from occasional crises. Parents who are emotionally resilient, have a positive attitude, creatively problem solve, and effectively address challenges are less likely to direct anger and frustration at their children.
Social connections: Evidence links social isolation and perceived lack of support to child maltreatment. Trusted and caring family and friends provide emotional support to parents by offering encouragement and assistance in facing the daily challenges of raising a family.
Concrete supports for parents: Many factors beyond the parent-child relationship affect a family’s ability to care for their children. Parents need basic resources such as food, clothing, housing, transportation, and access to essential services that address family-specific needs such as childcare, health, and mental health care to ensure the health and well-being of their children.
Warren County Child Abuse Prevention Council
The Warren County Child Abuse Prevention Council is a volunteer group that represents human service providers in the community. The Council advises Short Years on the prevention of child abuse and programs.
Interested in joining the Warren County Child Abuse Prevention Council? Email us at info@shortyears.org.
Make a donation to help prevent child abuse in Warren County.
We also welcome and appreciate donations by check. Please make checks payable to:
Short Years Partnership
515 N Jefferson Way, Ste I
Indianola, IA 50125
NOTE: Be sure to write “child abuse prevention” in the memo on checks so the contribution is properly designated.
Short Years Partnership is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and all contributions are tax-deductible.
Tax ID #20-8621440
File State Taxes and Help a Child
Keeping children safe from abuse is every Iowan’s business, and there is a simple and important opportunity to help. When taxpayers file their state income taxes, they can check off child abuse by donating a portion of their refund to the Iowa Child Abuse Prevention Program.
Collectively across the state, small and large contributions positively impact children’s lives. One hundred percent of donations are directed to Iowa’s communities to enhance programs that educate and support parents.
To learn about ways to volunteer, contact us at info@shortyears.org.
If you suspect child abuse, contact the local law enforcement and the Iowa Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-362-2178.